Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Angkor Wat, Cambodia (January 31)

The last two days I have been travelling through Cambodia with my roommate Rebecca. All sights are new and exciting, but also some are heart breaking. The last two days we've been in Angkor Wat.

Seeing Angkor Wat or walking through the ruins of Ta Prohm at sunrise is breath taking. I can't believe what I have seen and done these past few days. The pictures will never show the dept of emotion each of these places stirred within me these past couple of days. My hope is that by looking at my pictures it will interest you to come and see it all for yourself. The Cambodian people are amoung the most beautiful, humble, friendly, and helpful people I have ever met.

These past few days I will never forget for the rest of my life. Here are some of the highlights.
* Angkor Wat at sunrise.
* Bayon (a temple that from far way looks like a heap of rocks but up close reveals hunreds of faces carved into the rocks.)
*Da Prohm at sunrise (one of the sites that the movie Tomb Raider filmed at. Going at sunrise afforded us an hour the explore the temple all by ourselves. It is by far the coolest thing I have ever done.)
* Visit to the eastern gate. (Used in the movie tomb raider were they are trying to break into the temple door. Nobody else was there because it is dowm at long dirt road that the tuk-tuk drivers don't want to drive down. Our driver was nice enough to take us. We were able to climb on top and all around. In the picture I am the speck of dust on the left side because it is so big you can't see me.)
* The dozon or more temples included in the Angkor Thom. We climbed hundred of stairs the were more like ladders than stairs. The view from the top was amazing.
* The children selling things inside and outside of the temples. Giving out balloons to kids and seeing them have a face and smile of pure delight. The kids love them. And they are so pleased to let us take a picture for a ballon or two.

(some of these words are ...uh hum... partially taken... stolen from Rebecca's website, but I got her written permission... please forgive me for not being original)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Coming Home and Happy New Year!!

I will be coming back to Canada. I will land in Regina on Saturday, February 11th. During my visit I will be in Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and Calgary. I hope that I get a chance to see ya all while I'm down in thems parts (a little southern talk). I head back to Taiwan for another year contract on March 15th.

In the mean time, I am on vacation from school (Chinese New Year), my roommate Rebecca and I will be heading to Cambodia on January 27th until February 6th. Our major stops are: Ankor Wat (scenes from the movie- Laura Croft- Tomb Raider??), Siem Reap, Phnom Phen, and the beach.... wonderful. We hear that the temperature is in the high 20's.

Let me know when you have some time free and we'll get together for some coffee or tea!!

Happy New Year!!! (January 29th)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

This took far too long...

Okay, so this was a long time coming. I haven't posted in over a month- shame on me. Not really sure if anyone reads these entries except maybe my family... (even they may not)... so in my absence from posting.... did anyone miss it??? I'll leave that up to you to let me know. But anywho, I will let you know what I have been doing for the last few weeks. I'll try and make it short and sweet.

So my parents did make it safely to Taiwan and they had a fab trip, enjoying the sights, culture, warmer temps than ... burrr.... the prairies. We went travelling around:
Kenting- walking, shopping, ocean/ beach time, my parents were trying to get a nice picture taken in the water... but as it happened they got soaked by a BIG wave. Too bad I never got that on video- ha!
Guanzaling- hot springs and fresh mountain air.
Alishan- One of the highest mountain ranges in Taiwan, we got up at 5am to watch the sunrise. It was too cold for me (4 degrees) and I was calling it quits but it was well worth the time and cold to see the sun come up. They enjoyed it. But my mom did drop and break a glass plate that belonged to our tour group... oppsie.
Taitung- this is where I live. They got a chance to go for many walks, see the ocean, visit with my friends, experience my life, see my school, drive a scooter, make improvements upon my apartment (thank you!!), go up the coast and enjoy the touristy things to do.
Taipei- See the tallest building in the world explode into a huge BONFIRE!!

Since their departure from Taiwan on Jan 1st, I've gone to see 'The Lion the Witch ...' One of my most favorite stories. It was excellent. I went Strawberry picking in January (CRAZY!!) and it was sooo expensive- but worth the taste of fresh berries... hmmmm..... Rebecca and I received our tickets for our trip to cambodia. I have said goodbye to my yearlong friends- the Andersons. They have been a great encouragement and help to me since the week I arrived here in Taitung. We became fast friends. I will miss them very much :(

I am now finishing up tests with my students, planning for my trip to Cambodia with Rebecca for Chinese New Year, and my trip home in February. I am stoked to come back and visit and have a break for a month. I know it will fly by quickly. I hope that I get a chance to see all of you... whoever reads this... not sure many people would have even made it to the end of this long report of my parents visit, but if you did, thanks for reading I appreciate it. Just to let those of you who have read this far into this entry that I did decide to stay and sign another one year contract with my same school. I am feeling very good about investing another year here. I know that God will use me to further His kingdom and bring Him glory here.

Well, I will post pics soon of life here. Hope to see ya soon. Send me a line and let me know where you are and what you are up to!!

Blessings!! Faith