Monday, October 31, 2005

Needing your prayers:

1. Last Thursday night I pulled a muscle in my leg. Feeling a little better now (on Monday), I hope to run 21K's this Saturday morning. But in general, feeling a little under the weather, like a cold is coming on.

2. My school has officially asked for my decision about whether I will be staying or leaving after my contract is up. They have given me until Wednesday to give my answer. Pray for me: that I would know God's leading, have peace about it, have affirmation in that decision, and have an answer by this Wednesday.

Monday, October 24, 2005


A BIG Happy Birthday to my one and only sister-in-law EMILY!!

I hope that you had a super duper day. That you felt very special. Did my brother do something nice for you???

Have a year full of blessings and special memories.

Love faith ;)

p.s. Can't wait to see you guys soon!! All my love...

Painting and Training

This weekend was full of painting and training for a 1/2 marathon. On Friday night, I went to help Rebecca prep her classroom to paint- we sanded and taped, on Saturday morning we started and finished painting it- Yellow and Blue. It looks so bright and beautiful now. On Sunday morning, Rebecca and I ran 18K's in preparation for the 21K's we are running on Nov.5th- here in Taitung. We are getting together with a few other foreigners to run the 21K's around Taitung- a fun run and celebration afterwards- if we make it :) After our long run on Sunday morning, we went for a wonderfully long soak in the hot springs in Jhirben that evening. hmmm... life is tough in Taitung.

Good news, my camera is working again. I hate to admit it, but it was the batteries. I'm so glad that it is only a battery problem and nothing more. So I will take more pics.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


A Happy Birthday to my Sister- CAROLYN!!

She is an awesome girl. She is kind, generous, and warm hearted. I hope that she has the best day and year.

Blessings to you! I miss you soooooo much.

Love faith:)

Cameras and Soccer

I am enjoying my soccer games with a group of foreigners every Tuesday and Thursday night. Up until about 1 month ago the soccer group was about 5 people, but now we have about 10 or a few more come out to play. It has been very entertaining and competitive. A few more girls have moved to Taitung to teach English and they are hilarious to watch and compete with. So in all, I am enjoying my soccer nights as they get me motivated to exercise and meet up with some other foreigners during the week.

About my camera, well I think it has bit the dust. As I tried to take a picture over the weekend and the lens didn't close properly. I just bought it last Christmas- this is not good news. I wonder if the warranty is still on it?? What do you think?
I guess I will have to buy a new one here in Taiwan...

Have a super duper week!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


It is so great that it was 'Taiwan Day' on Oct 10th, it being Thanksgiving Weekend at home in Canada. I am thankful for an extra day off from school to hang out and enjoy the sun. This last weekend Rebecca's friends from Kaoshung and Taipei came down to visit: Beth, Paula, and Jenn. Us five girls had fun on the beach, driving around on scooters, eating, chatting, watching a movie, Jhirben Hot Springs. So wonderful to hang with christian girls. It's been awhile since being around so many.

Now it is back to regular life at school this week. It is exam week, so I have a bit of a break from teaching all my classes.

I just wanted to wish you a blessed Thanksgiving and Fall. Open yourself up for the plans God has instore for you this winter.

Love Faith