Angkor Wat, Cambodia (January 31)
The last two days I have been travelling through Cambodia with my roommate Rebecca. All sights are new and exciting, but also some are heart breaking. The last two days we've been in Angkor Wat.
Seeing Angkor Wat or walking through the ruins of Ta Prohm at sunrise is breath taking. I can't believe what I have seen and done these past few days. The pictures will never show the dept of emotion each of these places stirred within me these past couple of days. My hope is that by looking at my pictures it will interest you to come and see it all for yourself. The Cambodian people are amoung the most beautiful, humble, friendly, and helpful people I have ever met.
These past few days I will never forget for the rest of my life. Here are some of the highlights.
* Angkor Wat at sunrise.
* Bayon (a temple that from far way looks like a heap of rocks but up close reveals hunreds of faces carved into the rocks.)
*Da Prohm at sunrise (one of the sites that the movie Tomb Raider filmed at. Going at sunrise afforded us an hour the explore the temple all by ourselves. It is by far the coolest thing I have ever done.)
* Visit to the eastern gate. (Used in the movie tomb raider were they are trying to break into the temple door. Nobody else was there because it is dowm at long dirt road that the tuk-tuk drivers don't want to drive down. Our driver was nice enough to take us. We were able to climb on top and all around. In the picture I am the speck of dust on the left side because it is so big you can't see me.)
* The dozon or more temples included in the Angkor Thom. We climbed hundred of stairs the were more like ladders than stairs. The view from the top was amazing.
* The children selling things inside and outside of the temples. Giving out balloons to kids and seeing them have a face and smile of pure delight. The kids love them. And they are so pleased to let us take a picture for a ballon or two.
(some of these words are ...uh hum... partially taken... stolen from Rebecca's website, but I got her written permission... please forgive me for not being original)
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