Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Happy birthday to my roommate Rebecca who has a birthday today: November 30th. I wish her a wonderful year ahead, full of blessings and adventures. May you continue to follow after God with your whole heart and strength. It's been a wonderful year so far. Thanks for your friendship.

Your sister in Christ- Faith

Monday, November 28, 2005

The Countdown is on

My parents are coming in less than two weeks now. I am excited as this is the first family to visit since I came to Taiwan in February. Still not sure what we will do- sightseeing and stuff. Pray for my parents travelling, as this is their first overseas experience and will be stressful to enter a new culture and society. For an easy flight, transition, rest, patience, understanding, and that this will be a wonderful positive experience for them.

Friday, November 11, 2005


This is the devotional that I read today. I thought it reflected my thoughts about staying, about life. I feel many times that I do not have the wisdom to make such important life decisions. Today my prayer is: Lord show me your way for me. I feel I don't have enough wisdom to see into next year, but you can. Lord bring peace to me in this big decision. I feel overwhelmed, swallowed up.

Led by God (Taken from Bob Gass Ministries)

Don't ask God to bless your plans, ask Him to show you His - they're already blessed. When the time is right the plan will be clear, the people in place, and the resources available. Peter writes. "Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us" (2Pe 1:3 TM). Did you hear that? Everything!

God told Abraham when to leave home (See Ge 12:1), and Jacob when to go back home (See Ge 31:3). He even told Elijah where to find food in the middle of a famine (See 1Ki 17:1-5). And His promise to you is "Along unfamiliar paths I will guide them." The path you're on today may be unfamiliar to you but it's not to God. He's already gone ahead of you. All you need is the faith to step out and follow Him.

God never changes. If He talked to people all through the Bible He'll talk to you too. The question is, have you learned to recognize His voice yet? Nothing should be more important to you than learning to hear from God for yourself. The ideas of others should only confirm or clarify what He's already shown you. If you haven't heard from God you'll be tempted to think that the ideas of others are His commands - that could hurt you. You are unique! God has a personal plan and a specific destination for you. Take the time to ask Him about it for His Word says, "He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way" (Ps 25:9 NIV).

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Genevieve cheering us on along the side of the road. Up ahead is a water and fruit stop!! Posted by Picasa

We did it!!

Saturday, November 5th- Rebecca and I ran the 21km's in the morning. It was really hot- so we were a little sunburned and sweaty by the end. But we feel good and we are sooo happy to have finished it well. The Anderson's came to help us out with fruit and water stops out of the back of their van. Ivona came with water and cheered us on to the finish line. Oh we are soo happy for their help- it made the run much more enjoyable. So the Taitung Marathon is now offically over.

So now we will enjoy a massage, soak in the hot spring, and big celebration meal!!