Sunday, January 14, 2007

The near future

I made a decision this week to stay on in my position in Taitung. My contract at my school ends in March and I am going to stay until the end of the semester, until June 2007. (Wow, I can't believe it is 2007, weird to write that!) I really enjoy living in Taitung, my students, my friends, my roommate, and in general my life here. This extra time will also give me an opportunity to attend a few different Chinese classes that are starting up this semester. I have found that it takes humbled practiced persistence to learn Chinese. I've been here for two years and still I struggle with basic communication. So I am looking forward to putting in extra study time to learn this fascinating language. I am constantly reminded of how important communication and language is. For me it is like discovering a precious jewel when I learn a little more. My goal is to be able to have a conversation, this I want to do before I leave Taiwan. So pray for me, for patience, persistence, humbleness, and a hardworking attitude.

Dinner with Friends

Rebecca, Casper, Scott, Me, and Fema. We decided to dress up and go out for a fancy dinner (Dec 2006). We went to a newer restaurant in town, "Daniels." The atmosphere was quite nice. But the most fun was dressing up and seeing everyone look so great.
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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hello 2007, Hello indecision!

Hello friends! Welcome to 2007!

A little update for you as I've lacked posts for the last 2 months. Time has flown by with teaching, enjoying the cool temperatures, Thanksgiving celebrations, Christmas celebrations, New Years. A highlight has been my bible study group. They have been a great source of encouragement and fun. Together we are headed to Laos for our Chinese New Year vacation. We are so excited about this trip.

Some things coming up in the near future for me. I am trying to make a decision about whether I extend my contract here in Taiwan. I've been studying chinese for the last year and would really like to continue to make progress with that. In two months my second eldest sister is coming to visit me here in Taiwan. I am stoked!! It will be fun to show her why I love Taitung so much.

My friends and family who are reading, I hope that this next year is full of blessings, God's provision, dear friendships, joyful memories, amazing adventures, and a deepening of your understanding of who God is. I encourage you to step out in faith and step into many spontaneous adventures.

Love faith