March 3- Address
Hello! I have finally gotten an address you can contact me throughthe snail mail... it is for my school...Hsin Sheng Junior High School64, Lane 641Hsin Sheng RoadTaitung, Taiwan, ROC950News of the week:Yesterday, one of the teachers lent me her scooter to use- howgenerous eh! I am really appreciating it and what a blessing. Idon't have my licence, but I will drive anyways. My resident cardis not done yet and I am still waiting... can't do much of anythingwithout it... so pray that it will happen tomorrow please. I needto get this done soon so I can get a cell phone, bank account, gofor my drivers licence.God is good and he provides for me so well. I have gotten theopportunity to talk to people about God. Very neat because if Ididn't meet them on this trip, I never would have. One guy isteacher up in the mountains in the middle of Taiwan. I met him attraining during my first weeks here (in Taipei) his name is Chris- Iasked him if he was interested in talking about God. I ask what hebelieved (Buddhist) and then I asked him if he thought it worked-and he said he didn't know... so I said a bit about Jesus- hebrought up the Passion of the Christ, and it was a goodconversation. He took a new testament class in university and hesaid his teacher is a christian and treated him very nice. So Ithink that left an impression on him. I am praying that he comes toknow Jesus- how cool eh! Pray for more opportunitie s to talk tohim and with others. I even had a chance to talk about the biblewith a buddhist lady who works at the school here- she iscoordinating my appartment and everything that goes into it-furniture, etc... So that was cool! Opportunities come up all thetime and mostly when I do not plan it.The food is starting to get better- or maybe I am starting to getused to it. It is raining today and will continue to get colderuntil it reaches a low of +7- isn't that crazy- for us Canadians wholive in -20 to -30 most of the- that is really nice for us. Butthey feel very cold. I am enjoying the temperature- not having towear too many layers.Last Sunday, I went to church with a family who have lived inTaitung for 16 years and work at a children's orphanage. They arevery neat people and I enjoyed their company. There are a few otherforeigners here, a few surfers, english teachers, missionaries,travellers, so I do come across americans, canadians, europeans, oraustralians- but not very often.I have been teaching for 3 days now. The first day was just crazy-I was so nervous, but I see now that the students are more nervousthan me and I am learning to relax and enjoy my time with them.They are very neat people and good students. The teachers arecontinuing to give lots of support and are great to work with.Today I taught 5 classes. About 20 classes a week with 35- 40students in each- a very busy time.I will get my cell phone soon. I will post the number when I get it-so call if you want to talk to someone long long distance with tehcharges to go with that. Remember that I am 14 hours ahead of you.So the best time to call would be: when you get up in the morning,or when you are going to bed.... (night time is best!!)... well,have a great week...Miss you all very much. Enjoy a juice hamburger and chocolate icecream for me... :)Faith
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