February 24, 2005- Taitung City, Taiwan
Hello Everyone...Ahhh... what a stressful couple days. When I arrived in TaitungCity (by plane) I was very tired. What a long day Wednesday was. Iwas travelling with Ryan (another English teacher from Canada-Toronto- he's been in Taiwan teaching for about 3 years so I amappreciating the experience he has to offer about teaching EFL-english as a foriegn language.), Naomi (Ryan's co- teacher). Whenwe arrived there were about 10 people waiting for us- ohh... how Ijust wanted to crawling into my bed and fall asleep. We went tolook about the appartment- it is located in the community centre- anice location, but a little wierd- but I am getting used to it. Iwill go check out another dorm building where another chineseenglish teacher lives- her english name is Evelyn- she just finisheduniversity. So the evening didn't end there- we went for dinnerwith the principal, my co teacher, head of the english departmentand my co teachers daughter (who also works at the school). What anight. And that was Wednesday. On Thursday, February 24th, I wasintroduced at a sporting event- for outdoor athletics (and yes, itwas the same building that I am living in- so it was a quick 1minutes walk to the stands where the crowd sits. It was very warmthat day- so nice. But they tell me it will get hotter and hotteras the summer comes-- that is good to hear too. I applied for myResident Visa card, went to the school and met the other 21 chineseenglish teachers. They are all very nice. I will need their helpto keep track of 500+ students and their marks. Ryan and I with ourco-teachers also had a press conference with the principals anddirectors and anybody else invloved in this program. Then we allwent for lunch at a traditional aboriginal resturant- very good.They are very generous to us and have gone out of their way to makeour stay confortable. Last night, I went for dinner at McDonald'sand had a hamburger and fries. Then we went to see the lanternfestival- very busy and exciting to see. So much going on here-very neat. Yesterday was very warm and wonderful. They were havingtheir lanturn festival and I went to watch it with Ryan (anotherenglish speaker), Naomi(Ryan's co-teacher), Ryan's principal, andLaura (my co- teacher). There were lots and lots of firecrackersand they just went crazy with them- they sounded like big bangs-wow. Kinda scary, but the festival is winding down.I just made a speech to the students- there are about 2 ,400students at this school. It was scary. This weekend is a longweekend- Monday is a holiday for them. I am going to try and plansome lessons, clean my appartment. It will be my first weekend bymyself. When I was at the police station getting my finger printsdone, I met a guy named Chris and he and his wife have been inTaiwan for 15 years. He told me about sunday evening Vespers (sp??)so I am going to try and call that lady- shelley about it and findout more. I have not had access to the internet or phone. It isweird to have no communication to the outside world. But anotherteacher has given me an old phone of his and I am going to buy phonecards to put on it. I will have to see about long distant charges.I still need to find out the number of the cell phone.I start teaching on Tuesday morning. I have 20 classes with 30- 35students in each... ahhhh... that is a lot of students. This is aneat community. It is very nice that it is smaller, less pollutedand crowded than Taipei. I am enjoying so far. I long for home andwish for something normal. I have met many nice people, but nofriends yet. Please pray that this will happen. I am lookingforward to attending Vespers on Sunday evening.Please let me know how you are all doing. I would love to hear fromand and I will try and write back.God's richest blessings,faith
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