Friday, June 03, 2005

Rainy Season

Good Day!

It has been raining constantly for the last week. They tell me it is rainy season. There is a storm rolling in and the clouds are roaring in the distance. I don't know if that means it will be windy and scary, but so far, just a calm steady drizzle upon us.

I am going to post some pics soon, but as my dad would say- I am either lazy or lying... so both those accusations are awful, so I will post soon. OK dad ;)

This weekend, Rebecca and I are babysitting for the Anderson's (who are off to meet Taiwan's president) kids- William, Whittker, and Geneveive. It is raining, not good news for Rebecca and I as we will have to manage to spend their energy quickly. I think McDonald's is on our agenda for the evening and probably a calm movie... any suggestions.

Well, I will post again soon!


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